GU Comics Day: Exploring Worlds with MiniKim

by Erin Finnegan, editorial assistant

The proud artist holding Nola's WorldsJust before the Fourth of July, our brand-spanking-new library bound editions of Nola’s Worlds arrived. We are extremely excited to bring this French fantasy comic, formerly titled Alta Donna, to English readers. I am a huge fan of the artwork, which combines a cute Japanese-influenced aesthetic with the traditions of French color comics into something new and totally original. The series is a trilogy, with all three books due out this Fall.

Nola’s Worlds was written by Mathieu Mariolle, drawn by MiniKim (Maïté Lajic), and colored by Pop (Mélanie Buffière). Their collaborative process is outlined in the back of volume one, Changing Moon. The process involves watching Chuck Norris movies (click to see the pages larger!):

Below is my interview with MiniKim, a French Canadian artist who has worked in both Europe and Canada.

Q. What computer programs and/or what kind of pens, pencils and brushes do you use?

First I sketch on paper with a mechanical pencil then I scan my artwork and compose my page in Photoshop.

When I’m OK with the page, I print it and clean my rough lines using a light table.

Q. What are your favorite comics right now, either online or in print?

Right now I’m reading “Please Save my Earth” by Saki Hiwatari, “Echo” by Terry Moore and “Y, The Last Man” by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra.

Q. What comics did you read growing up?

NolasWorldsAvatarWhen I was a teenager I read “Tank Girl” by Martin and Hewlett, “Fushigi Yuugi” by Yuu Watase and “Video Girl Aï” By Masakazu Katsura. But I spent more time as watching movies: “Back To The Future”, “Indiana Jones”, “The Goonies”, “Hair”, “Grease”, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” …and animation : “[Kimagure] Orange Road”, “Creamy Mami”, “Oz No Mahou Tsukai” (a 1986 anime adaptation of “The Wizard of Oz”), “My Neighbor Totoro”, “Macross”…

Q. Please talk a little bit about your current style. How did you develop the cute style you use in Nola’s Worlds?

Err, I don’t know… I just let my style coming to me as it likes ^_^’

Q. What is the difference between working in Europe and working in Canada? Are there differences?

No difference for me. I’m working at home wherever I live ^_^.

I really enjoy the comics’ melting pot here ! I’ve met artists working for US, Canada and Europe ! It’s very exotic somehow !

A page from Nola's WorldsIt’s a good way to progress and exchange about our art.

Q. What music do our you listen to while drawing?

I listen to pop rock and roll and punk music. That makes you in the mood for jumping and dancing for no reason 😀

Q. Did you go to college for art and/or comics, or something else? Which college?

I went to a cool 2D animation art school in a little little land called Luxembourg !! It was great 🙂

Q. What is the next convention you plan to go to?

I really want to go to New York to launch Nola’s Worlds! And I also want to see one day the San Diego Comic Con and the Tokyo Comiket.

Q. What is your favorite comics convention?

My favorite convention is Japan Expo in France.

MiniKim at Montreal Launch Party
MiniKim (left) at Montreal Launch Party

2 thoughts on “GU Comics Day: Exploring Worlds with MiniKim

  1. Laurie S. Sutton

    This is a definite must-read! The art is charming in the best sense of the word. I love the “Behind the Scenes” pages in the post, especially the top of the last page depicting POP tossing computer icons like confetti! (THAT has been put into my visual memory file.)

    Will any of these creators be at the New York Comic Con in October? I'd love to meet them.

  2. Erin

    @Laurie Thanks!

    A lot of Graphic Universe artists will be at New York Comic Con, and while we haven't made arrangements for any Nola's World's artists yet, we'll certainly announce it on the blog if we can get one of them to NYC!

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