How’s Your Focus?

By Carol Hinz
Editorial Director, Millbrook Press

For students, summer is typically a time to unwind and relax, whether it’s by running through the sprinkler, escaping with a good book, or spending an afternoon playing video games. Or perhaps some kids are playing video games while listening to their mp3 players and sending text messages on their phone. People of all ages are spending more and more time—whether at work or at home—surrounded by computers and other electronic gadgets. But what effects do these gadgets have us?

In today’s New York Times, Matt Ritchell writes:

Researchers worry that constant digital stimulation . . . creates attention problems for children with brains that are still developing, who already struggle to set priorities and resist impulses.

The article as a whole discusses the effects electronics and multitasking have on adults as well as children. It also includes a link to an activity to test your focus.

I know that June is an odd time of year to be making resolutions, but I hereby resolve that I’ll spend time this summer unplugged from all those electronic gadgets (or “geegaws,” as I recently heard someone refer to them). What are your summer resolutions?