Digipalooza Recap: Or, what’s a book résumé?

I am recently back from OverDrive’s Digipalooza event and WOWZA. My head is spinning with all the interesting things we learned. I am also blown away by the live sketch artist who created cartoon takeaways for every single presentation!

From sessions about how to maximize budgets using different access models to using Libby to merchandise titles for improved patron discovery, I learned a lot about what librarians deal with in their day jobs. As a publisher, it’s easy for us to think that a librarian’s whole job is to select and curate books, but it’s much more than that (hey, at least we know you don’t get to sit around and read all day!).

One session that spoke directly to me was #UniteAgainstBookBans: Advocate for your community’s right to read and the immediate way we can help librarians.

We all know challenges are up, in part to simply “gum up the works”, and we know that the types of books being targeted for bans and challenges are those about marginalized identities and communities, often by writers of color.

One key takeaway for me is how publishers can be useful to librarians by creating “book résumé” – a document highlighting the credentials of a book, including awards and reviews.

So we’ve immediately started making these for our books that have received challenges! Click on any of the images below to download the book résumé for that book. And if you’re looking for a book résumé for one of our titles and don’t see it below, drop us a line at marketing@lernerbooks.com and let us know so we can create it.

You can read OverDrive’s official recaps here:

Read Digipalooza Day 1 Recap

Read Digipalooza Day 2 Recap

Read Digipalooza Day 3 Recap

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